How Pharmaceutical Global Logistics is Changing
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, with new products being developed and brought to market every year.
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, with new products being developed and brought to market every year.
The port of Genoa will soon be reached by a new sea transport container service from the Far and Middle East to Spain, operated solely by the South Korean company, Hmm.
FedEx and UPS have been implementing dynamic pricing over the past year, and the two delivery giants are now advancing their capabilities beyond tacking on surcharges during high-demand periods.
In late 2022, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) announced that, as of January 1, 2023, new rules would come into place to make it mandatory for all ships to measure their energy efficiency and initiate the collection of data for reporting their carbon emissions.
There has been significant growth in the consumption of nutritional supplements all over the world, especially in Europe. Though the ingredients used are all-natural, it is necessary that the various risks associated with food security in the supply chain should be addressed.
It might sound spooky or sci-fi movie, but the “digital twin” technology is fast grabbing the attention of organizations across all major industries.
The global move towards net-zero carbon emissions is leaving freight companies trying to achieve the seemingly impossible: increasing delivery levels in a sustainable way.
The value of global trade rose to a record $7.7 trillion in Q1 2022, an increase of about $1 trillion relative to Q1 2021.
Skyrocketing demand, the pandemic and other factors driving current supply issues aren’t expected to go away in 2022, and shortages of certain materials and products will likely continue.
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